Personal data and GDPR
a note from Michael Gray does not disclose any personal information without explicit permission from the person to whom it relates. I do retain contact details in a secure environment that cannot be accessed by any third party but keep it only in order to respond to queries. You may contact me at any time to request sight of, an update to, or the complete removal of, your data. I do not have a mailing list and do not send bulk emails.
I do not track individuals who use this website.
This website uses cookies, as do almost all websites, to provide an optimal online experience. Cookies are small data files placed on your computer, mobile phone or tablet when you browse a website. There is no way to prevent these cookies being set other than not to use this site.
The cookies set by this website are created through its use of PHP Session variables, which are central to the Search functions and Results navigation code — they will not work correctly with cookies disabled. PHP Sessions create a unique ID for each visitor's browser which is stored in a cookie. The variables themselves are held on the server and linked to this ID. The cookie is merely a reference. It contains no personal information and cannot be used to identify you. It is deleted when you close your browser.